Monday, June 09, 2008

SpicyIP Tidbits: Patent Office goes interactive!

In what appears to be an innovative scheme, users can now interact and clarify queries with specific reference to Patent and Trade marks from the Patent Office to get immediate answers. This comes in furtherance of the FICCI Press Release by the "FICCI-DIPP Consultative Working Group on Patents/Trade Marks and Designs system in India", which readers will remember had recommended the creation of an assistance mechanism to help users understand the working of patent office and the procedural issues.
Thus, the one hour long daily session (3-4 pm) available online from 4th June, 2008 hopes to primarily clarify any questions with respect to procedures of prosecuting patent/trade mark applications in India. All users need to do is register and enter their query during this one hour and receive an instant clarification / answer. The Business Line also reports that the wing of the Indian Patent Office in Mumbai would also aims to digitize useful statistical data to gauge patent filing trends pertaining sectorwise by next year.
SpicyIP invites its readers for feedback on this initiative- as to its usefulness, feedback on answers to queries as well as long term sustainability.

1 comment:

  1. however due to some reason this interactive session seems to be non-logable. every time a person wants to register it gives error in SQL server.
    can anyone tell how to get registered without error???
